Cheers to 2021!

Wow, what a wild ride 2020 was! Full of challenges, yes, but so many beautiful moments as well. Grateful for more in-real-life-facetime with my kids and partner. Looking forward to a week of reviewing, and creating and mapping an action plan for the year to come. Cheers to more peace, love and fun in 2021!


Progress over Perfection

Here it is: a shop and a blog. I have though about, agonized over, started, stopped, deleted and stared again on both topics for longer than is probably wise to admit.

As a recovering perfectionist, I am committing to progress over perfection (as much as it will undoubtedly pain me at times!) and a real honest to goodness effort to show up, and share on a regular(ish) basis. It is all a great big experiment right now, honestly not sure how often is realistic to tell you I’ll post here. I expect it will be a bit erratic for a while, until I figure out a rhythm. Art work descriptions will be added over time.

If you have questions or would like to arrange a studio visit please contact me.